Even Minier-Update #13: Foundations (Followup)

Things are going great with the refactor and, in fact, so far, I'm a little ahead of schedule. The new format is entirely JSON derived. What that means is that game events are no longer special Resources but are just text objects instead. I've already started to expand some of the existing events as I port them over.

It's not much, but it's honest JSON Parser

The bulk of the navigation and design work is done for events at this time. What's left is interpretation: when an event has data for changing the Investigator's XP, the XP should be modified; same with Terror and your stats and and and.

Once that's in hand and I finish my refactor on GameEvents, I'll be needing a few days of work to translate the existing events into the new nodegraph format. Due note: Godot is expecting a massive refactor for NodeGraph and GraphEditor, both of which I'm using a lot to do the 'design' of the graph. So I might have to version freeze my version of Godot at the time they update all that or accept that I'll have to redesign the nodegraph system to support their new system. It's pretty modular under the hood though so shouldn't take too much work I hope.

A peek under the hood at the new structure for game events. I'm considering modding support as a stretch goal later and making events JSON should help folks a lot for that.

Any case, just wanted to keep y'all apprised of progress. Should be moving on to content within the next few days, I hope. Once this new version of Events is done, I'll be putting out a new version of the game to test it out and make sure it's firing on all cylinders. That'll mean y'all here on Itch.io will finally get access to the newer stuff (albeit there were a lot of bugs in this upcoming version that I've since ironed out, but it's still largely playable).

The version I'm presently working on is pretty dang stable so, as long as the GameEvents don't introduce a hail of bugs (and i don't expect them to), you can expect somewhat smoother sailing from the next launch onwards, base-gameplay-wise.

Thanks, as always, for your support. I'll keep you posted!

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