Mini-update #1 : Stats and Cursed Dice

Work is proceeding smoothly. 

Today I refactored the stats systems, gave characters actual individual stat pools, let stats be gained and lost, get Funds to actually exist, got the Bathing/Laundry and Odd Jobs activities up and running, and finally got Mysteries and Mystery Events up and running. 

I just need to start building the Confrontation system so that they can be ended and the cases can be solved.

The Fallen God will be probably an unlockable investigator gained by banishing your first Slaughtered God successfully. In exchange for enormous starting stats and blessed dice (normally a die only counts as a success on a 5 or 6 but a Blessing makes them also succeed on a 4), you have no access to shops/services, can gain no allies, and most rest/downtime activities will be unavailable -- it's a brutal challenge where you start with lots of resources, but have to hold on to them through the whole game as the chance to regain them is rare and often costly.

In addition, you'll be given the opportunity to 'force' a result (in other words: you do not roll, you simply declare victory) on particularly important moments in your playthrough -- but doing so by exercising your authorities as a fallen god attracts the eye of the Moirai System which can levy penalties as minor as degrading your stats to as major as cursing your dice (making them only succeed on a 6) or erasing your character from existence and forcibly ending the run, depending on what you use your authority on (in other words how difficult the roll was). 

That's the plan, anyway. Needs to be tested and all that.

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