Mini-update #2: Title Cards and Short-term Plans

I may have been playing particular games lately. Perhaps. You can prove nothing.

Work is continuing to steam along at a good clip with TAE. I've finished up a lot of the backend surrounding deities and should soon be getting into working on the combat/confrontation section of the game. From there it'll be Mystery End Confrontations and then Dungeons. From there, I'll be reaching parity with the old To Ash and Ember's featureset and so will be moving on to the quintessential bit of any RPG:

Fighting God

So, to lay it all out, here's the short-term roadmap I'm looking at:

Phase 1) Linked Events, Gameplay Phases, Rudimentary Downtime, Locations, Stats and Investigators [Complete]

Phase 2) Sublocations, Mysteries, Dice, Investigation-based Event overrides, Rolled Challenges, Global Audio Bus and Music Player [Complete]

Phase 3) <YOU ARE HERE> Deity Selection, Cards(?),  both Event-driven and Random Confrontations, and Map Traversal (costs Terror/Time to move places)

Phase 4) Simple Dungeons, Mystery and Dungeon End Confrontations, Gathering/Spending Clues, "Pushing" Rolls and other Clue interactions.

Phase 5) Simple Deity Encounters (beat 3 Mysteries to Fight God's Herald, and 5 to Fight God -- possibly winning the run). Conditions and Diseases.

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